Water Import
For the Southwest and the Salton Sea
We've run out of time; and this is not just about Salton Sea. This is water resource sustainability for future generations all up and down the Colorado River. Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California and Mexico all rely on one waining river. We're losing elevation in Lake Powell and Lake Mead. Our wells are getting deeper. The Salton Sea is drying up, along with water for our people and the environment.
Water inflows have been diverted to coastal cities. The Salton Sea region and entire Southwest needs a sustainable water source to survive, and thrive. Let's ensure water resource sustainability for future generations, and import water from the ocean.
Adding water compliments all restoration initiatives and life. Let's strive to keep the most things alive!
Long Term Benefits of adding water:
Drinking Water
Crop Water
No dust
Economic growth
Sustainable shorelines
The ability to desalinate unlimited water resources.
Power generation
Long Term Benefits of not adding water:
Agency Update - 7:45
Salton Sea Coalition - 13:32
Agess Inc. - 19:23
Cordoba Corporation Inc - 37:40
E2Eden LLC. - 54:08
Our Floating Correspondent - 1:10:28
New Water Group LLC. - 1:13:04
Sea to Sea Development Team - 1:27:51
Sephton Water Technology Inc. - 1:44:27
Transoceanic LLC. - 2:02:54
Water Train Inc. - 2:18:46
Credits and Soundtrack - 2:32:06
Teams came together in 2022 to present long-term restoration solutions for the Salton Sea and Southwest by adding water.
Intro: The EcoMedia Compass
Presented by Kerry Morrison - info@ecomediacompass.org
11:34 - Intro: The Salton Sea Coalition
Presented by Chuck Parker - pchuck48@gmail.com
18:14 - Agess, Inc.
Presented by Nathan White - agessinc@gmail.com
29:25 - Cordoba Corp
Presented by Rich Coles - rcoles@cordobacorp.com
39:00 - GEI Consultants
Presented by Michael Clinton - mcenginr@aol.com
51:03 - Geothermal Worldwide, Inc
Presented by Nikola Lakic. - nlakic@geothermalworldwide.com
101:14 - Quadrant II
Presented by Roberto Cossio. - rp.cossio@gmail.com
114:08 - Sea to Sea Development Team
Presented by Gary Jennings - garykjennings@me.com
124:31 - Sephton Water Technology, Inc.
Presented by Tom Sephton - tomsephton@sephtonwatertech.com
136:50 - Q&A & Discussion
Teams came together in 2021 to present long-term restoration solutions for the Salton Sea by adding water.
Water Importation Project Proposals
Please review and share these important proposals. This outreach effort has been a collaboration between The Salton Sea Coalition, The EcoMedia Compass, and volunteers. Opportunities to attain long-term Salton Sea restoration including the Perimeter Lake and North Lake concepts work best with enough water for future generations. Much more public support is needed to evaluate, fund, design and build a full project. Let's envision a future grand enough to believe in, a future beautiful enough to thrive in, and water for our kids and great-grand pelicans.
2021 Salton Sea Water Importation Proposal Links:
Agess Inc (zip)
Cordoba Corporation Inc (zip)
E2Eden LLC (zip)
Geothermal Worldwide Inc (zip)
Global Premier Development Inc (pdf)
New Water Group LLC (zip)
Online Land Planning LLC (zip)
Sephton Water Technology Inc (link)
Transoceanic LLC (zip)
Water Train Inc (zip)
2018 Salton Sea Water Importation Proposal Links:
2017 Request for Information for Salton Sea Water Importation Projects
Agess, Inc. • download 2018 proposal • download 2021 proposal
Cordoba Corp. • download 2018 proposal • download 2021 proposal
GEI Consultants, Inc. and Michael Clinton Consulting, LLC • download 2018 proposal
Geothermal Worldwide, Inc. • download 2018 proposal • download 2021 proposal
Quadrant II • download 2018 proposal
Sea to Sea Development Team • download 2018 proposal
Sephton Water Technology, Inc. • download 2018 proposal • download 2021 proposal
The Binational Water Group, LLC • download 2018 proposal
This information is also published on the website of the California Natural Resources Agency at: https://saltonsea.ca.gov/planning/2018-salton-sea-water-importation-proposals/
Want to support? Write a letter to your local representatives! Here's a template.
Want to help us? Please consider donating to support our education and media team.
We also need volunteer social media, bloggers, phone-callers, media teams and grant writers.
Resolutions Passed Supporting Water Import:
The Salton Sea Coalition, EcoMedia Compass & friends have been contacting local governments to pass resolutions for support of water import to the Salton Sea region. We need your help.
Cathedral City
College of the Desert
Desert Hot Springs
Imperial County
Indian Wells
La Quinta
Palm Desert
Rancho Mirage
Torres Martinez Tribe
Our Support for Water Import and Regional Water Sustainability - In The Media
2012-2014: Breaking Point Film (Extras section featured EMC explaining water import)
1.26.2014 Sea of Cortez Expeditions
2.25.2016 Imperial County Presentations
3.23.2016 Sea of Cortez Expedition
Al Jazeera Documentary: 2016:
Salton Sea Walk Film (significant part of film in Mexico about water import) 2017
5.21.2018: Water Import at Imperial County:
05.22.2018: https://www.pressreader.com/usa/imperial-valley-press/20180522/281496456945128
EcoMedia Compass Water Import Forum 2021:
EcoMedia Compass Water Import Forum 2022: